Articles tagged with Linked List
- LRU Cache - Implementing an LRU Cache in C++: Step-by-Step Guide with Code Examples, published 2024-07-11
- Design Browser History - Simple array solution [Easy + Short], published 2023-03-18
- Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree - An elegant solution, published 2023-03-11
- Reverse Nodes in k-Group - Well explained solution in easy way, published 2022-10-25
- Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node - BFS+Queue O(1) space, O(n) time, published 2022-10-14
- Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List - One pass tortoise and hare, published 2022-10-14
- Delete Node in a Linked List - 3 solutions, published 2022-10-13
- Copy List with Random Pointer - C++ Hashmap, published 2022-10-11
- Swap Nodes in Pairs - Recursion, published 2022-09-27
- Partition List - Easy One pass O(1) space solution, published 2022-07-22
- Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II - Connections using Level Wise Traversal DFS, published 2022-05-13
- Linked List Cycle II - Floyd's Tortoise and Hare Algorithm, published 2022-05-10
- Design HashSet - Hashing using modulo, published 2022-04-21
- Design HashMap - Hashing using modulo, published 2022-04-21
- Merge k Sorted Lists - Min heap solution, published 2022-02-05
- Linked List Cycle II - An easy and a difficult solution, published 2022-01-19